SecurEnvoy Limited Apps

SecurEnvoy SecurMail 1.0.1
SecurEnvoy Limited
Send SecurMail messages from your mobileortable device with secure two factor authentication ofyourrecipient.SecurMail takes a unique approach to having a secure appthatenables the sender to safely send to recipients with only anemailaddress and a mobile phone number. If security is important,thenthis free app is the answer.SecurMail enables users to access, manage and create securemessageswithout having any prior relationship with the recipient.Therecipient can receive the message from any email client orbrowserand can receive the message with any associatedattachments. Therecipient will receive both an email advising themthat a securemessage is waiting for them, at the same time amessage is sent totheir mobile phone with a collection codeallowing only them to openand access this secured message.This app is a revolutionary patented approach that doesn'tsufferfrom the overheads of deployment and encryption management;justrock-solid security to give you 100% confidence in yourbusinesscommunications.Please note: this app requires access to a SecurEnvoySecurMailserver (version 8 or higher) in order to operate.
SecurEnvoy Authenticator
SecurEnvoy Limited
SecurEnvoy Authenticator - More Control, More Secure